Could I mix a parrot fish with gouramis


Fish Herder
Apr 20, 2004
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could I mix a parrot fish with some gourmis(3inchers) ??
I used to have three Gouramis (now died of old age) in the community tank with my Cichlids including three Parrots.Mine got on ok together.
wat utha fih do parrots go with?
what about a parrot with a bunch of small tetra schools?
I've had my 2 parrots together for a couple of months now. I use to just have one and to tell you the truth, he probably would have been a pain in the you-know-what if he could close his mouth, but he can't :-( He is always nudging other out of his way :wub: but he can't do any damage!! Since I got my baby parrot my larger one just picks on the baby and not really anyone esle!! :dunno: I guess what I mean is that 2 parrots may be better than one because they will keep each other busy. Especially if you introduce one to the tank on week and then a month later introduce the secone, it will keep the first one on it's toes!! ;)

As far as gouamis go.....I think you would be fine if you found some baby parrots. They are fun to watch grow, they get bolder and bolder all the time!! :nod: :wub: I have a 5 inch male Angel, a 4 in. female Pearl gourami and a few corys in the tank with the parrots and they all get on fine together!! :nod:


PS, just remember to get each parrot a "house"......they LOVE to have their very own territory/cave/house...whatever!!

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