Could I Keep Shrimp With My Fish?


stuck between a rock and a fish tank
Fish of the Month 🌟
May 4, 2004
Reaction score
I suspect not but I'll check anyway

The inhabitants of the tank I was thinking of putting shrimp in are 2 pearl gouramis, 20 harlequins and plecs, the plecs are maximum size 6 inch for a Royal and include a L128,L264 and L25. Would the L25 predate on the shrimp or would they just eat a dead one?

cheers for ny advice

Well planted with a cave system and the shrimp will be fast enough to run away and hide from their predators. I would keep a cheaper species like cherry shrimp in there and see how it goes, they will be prey but they won't be actively hunted unless yoour fish have particularly cruel personalities.
Well planted with a cave system and the shrimp will be fast enough to run away and hide from their predators. I would keep a cheaper species like cherry shrimp in there and see how it goes, they will be prey but they won't be actively hunted unless yoour fish have particularly cruel personalities.

ha ha cheers the tank is well planted with lots of hidey holes in anyhow

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