Could I Have Shrimps With These Fish?


New Member
Feb 19, 2009
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Hampshire, England
I've never kept shrimp before and wondered whether or not i could have them in with the fish i have. I have 6 black ruby barbs, 6 rainbows, 1 bristlenose catfish. A friend has cherry shrimps in a tank with platies and rainbows and a small plec and has had no problems. I was thinking on getting cherry shrimps but won't bother if my barbs or the bristlenose would eat them. Any advise would be appreciated
I think it should be okay. You can never go wrong with adding lots of plants so the shrimp can hide.
No. All barbs are shrimp eating machines and I would think rainbows would also make a meal of them. If they didnt then you would probably never see them.
Heck no I wouldn't add shrimp with barbs or the rainbowfish.
They are extremely greedy fish (mainly the barbs) and would probably make a meal out of any shrimp you put in with them.
Rainbows are borderline depends on temperment and availability of hiding space for the shrimp. Barbs are a big no. Suppose a paleomenetes species may be ok in their as they can defend themselves but otherwise peaceful.

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