Could I Get Some Khulis?


New Member
Jul 27, 2007
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I just got a 70 USG tank and I'm trying to do some research on what kind of fish to put in there. I will have 2 pictus catfish and some tiger barbs for sure. The tank is about 3 ft long and appx 2 ft in width. Will I have enough room for 3 or 4 khuli loaches in there? I really love them, but I want to make sure they will have enough room! I will be planting it (not heavily), and I have sand in it. I was planning on getting maybe 2 keyhole cichlids, too. My cats right now are small, but I want to make sure they don't all outgrow the tank very quickly! Thank you! I just want to do it right this time - I had a 10 gallon, and had my one pictus in there because the LFS said they only NEEDED 10 gallons!!! :eek: So 4 months and much research later I have a bigger tank for him. Now I'm trying to find tank mates. Thanks a lot for any help.
I just got a 70 USG tank and I'm trying to do some research on what kind of fish to put in there. I will have 2 pictus catfish and some tiger barbs for sure. The tank is about 3 ft long and appx 2 ft in width. Will I have enough room for 3 or 4 khuli loaches in there? I really love them, but I want to make sure they will have enough room! I will be planting it (not heavily), and I have sand in it. I was planning on getting maybe 2 keyhole cichlids, too. My cats right now are small, but I want to make sure they don't all outgrow the tank very quickly! Thank you! I just want to do it right this time - I had a 10 gallon, and had my one pictus in there because the LFS said they only NEEDED 10 gallons!!! :eek: So 4 months and much research later I have a bigger tank for him. Now I'm trying to find tank mates. Thanks a lot for any help.
oh and I have some fake logs/tree roots in there, too. of course. and A rena xP3 canister filter, if any of that changes anything!
I'm not sure how big or agressive pictus cats are... if they're bottom feeders the kuhlis might be bullied, but otherwise it sounds fine. The tank is definitely big enough.
You might want to run this by the folks in the catfish section, but I'd be worried about the Pictus eating the loaches.
In my experience, Kuhlis are better in a slightly smaller tank (20 gallon maybe) I had them in my main tank and never saw them. They're always out in my smaller tank though. Can't help you with the pictus I'm afraid.
I have 5 of them in my 54l tank, during the daytime they'll hide in this plastic barrel I bought and 2 of them will come out if food falls to the ground, but usually i leave some food on the bottom for them at night when they come out and swim round the tank.

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