Could I add a krib or two?


Why am I browsing a fish forum at 2am?
Oct 28, 2003
Reaction score
Camarillo, CA
I have a 3 foot, 26 gallon show tank. You can see what is in it in my sig. Can I add one or two kribs? I saw some really pretty ones... if not thats okay...
I wouldnt with 5 rams in there already, there will be territory disputes and the kribs will beat the rams hands down.
I would try just 1 Krib, (male + female krib with rams = disaster) we have 7 rams with a solo krib that works great. The krib was purchased when it was about 1 inch long and now is as big/bigger than the rams and does not bother them at all. But the differnece may be that this tank is a 75gal.?? Medium planted. Good luck.
kribs are new world fish, not African ;)

And yes, it should work, but remember that they are monogomous - if you want a pair you may need to purchase a few, let them pair off and then return the remaining ones. I would also stock the tank a little more lightly if you are adding them.
kribs are new world fish, not African


Am I missing something here - I thought kribs (Pelvicachromis pulcher) were from the Niger River delta in Nigeria?

kribs are west africans and do not share the liking of water conditions of others from africa, meaning they'd do well in soft n neutral/slightly alkaline water. As for pairing hopefully you may be able to spot pairs in the LFS tank, you'd gotta be patient and try not to get offended if the LFS shopowner if he asks if you're okay

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