Could Bronze Cory’s


Fish Crazy
Mar 21, 2006
Reaction score
London, England
Hi all.
Could Bronze Cory’s & Botia Lohachata co-exist happily? I’ve recently brought my third tank & will be having a jiggle about with my stock, so I’m considering my options, i don't think there would be physical battles i'm more cocerned about the competition for food as they habitat the same area of tank & Botia Lohachata is one greedy loach. :D i don't wanna put them through the stress of moving if it turns out it's a bad idea. all advice most welcome.

Also I’ve looked about & there are different views but what do people on here consider the smallest tank for 6 C Aeneus? (I’m familiar with the inch per gallon rule I’m more thinking in terms of floor space) cheers.
Hi all.
Could Bronze Cory’s & Botia Lohachata co-exist happily? I’ve recently brought my third tank & will be having a jiggle about with my stock, so I’m considering my options, i don't think there would be physical battles i'm more cocerned about the competition for food as they habitat the same area of tank & Botia Lohachata is one greedy loach. :D i don't wanna put them through the stress of moving if it turns out it's a bad idea. all advice most welcome.

Also I’ve looked about & there are different views but what do people on here consider the smallest tank for 6 C Aeneus? (I’m familiar with the inch per gallon rule I’m more thinking in terms of floor space) cheers.

i have my bronze corries and pakistani loaches together in the same tank.
don't see any problem.

and by the way, do not be disheartened when nobody relpy to your query in the first few days of posting..

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