Could an elephant nose


Fish Connoisseur
Feb 21, 2004
Reaction score
Long island, New York
In a 55 gallon oddball community sort of thing? I'm moving the fish in my 30g to a 55 soon (I hope), and I was looking at elephant noses, but I don't know if the knife fish has an electrical organ ike the E. nose does, and if it does then they can't go together :/ Ooh, my brain just skid out :lol:
If you don't reccomend it I just won't get one, just thinking about some possibilities :whistle:
dont they cant mix because of the eletral organs

It would be a good idea, and could be a waste of money when one dies, because they aren't cheap fish
It depends on the size and aggertion of your knife fish.
If the knife is to mean or large it could damage the fragile elephant nose.

Other then that I wouldn't be to consurned.
mine did wonderful together

samsung-401 said:
It depends on the size and aggertion of your knife fish.
If the knife is to mean or large it could damage the fragile elephant nose.

Other then that I wouldn't be to consurned.
Mines a wuss, he comes out to investigate a certain fish, then the certain fish sends him back to his cave :D
Yes they will be fine together (any possible aggression aside). Both of these fish however are generally timid (except in some case the knife can be aggressive with it's own kind). Also, any fish will eat a fish that is small enough to fit in it's mouth. As for the electical organs, they will not affect or in any other way "interfere" with each other. Neither one of them has the capability to generate a shock or a field of sufficient strength to anything other than to locate food.


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