Could A Bronze Female X Schultzei Male


Fish Herder
Sep 5, 2007
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yorkshire hull
would a bronze female cory cross breed with a black schultzei male cory.
as the other week i got a new bronze female off my mate and put it in the same tank as the black schultzei,
as i was treating for parisites and wanted 2 make sure it was parisite free before i added it to the other tank with the other bronze corys.
in the main tank, all i had in there was .sterbia ,viginia and
shultzei. all ready 2 spawn
m and f and the f bronze cory was with no other bronze,
i found about 70 eggs yesterday and they hatched 2 day there not like the bronze or peppers iv breed before there seem to have white tales and a black dot on there body rather than all black like bronze and peppers.
so the question is are they bronze x schultzei or pure breed schultzei or sterbia fry
i havent got a clue :huh:
I thought C. shultzei was just a coloring and geographic variation of C. aeneus. So if so, then yes they can definately breed together.

Congrats on the brood.
They could be anything. Most fish, cories included, prefer to breed with their own type. However, if there is only one bronze and a few other species, then the bronze will breed with whoever is available.

Your idea of quarantining a fish is to commended but putting a new fish into a tank with other Corydoras is asking for trouble :) The new fish could easily have brought in a disease that infected the other species you have in that tank.
thxs wendywc

i know what ure saying Colin_T
but the bronze was off my mate and i know for sure his tank is deisease free other wise i wouldent of put it in there.
it was just the fact that tank was geting treated as a percaution wich i treat once a month now so my corys stay in good health.

if they do turn out to be cross breeds ill be keeping them for myself and not selling or giveing any away :good:
Why do you treat the fish each month? Once they are healthy they should remain so unless you contaminate their tank with something. Also if you expose the fish to antibiotics/ fish medications on a regular basis, there is the possibility of doing permanent damage to the fish, and for developing drug resistant pathogens.
i had some sort ov parisite about a month ago Colin_T wich nearly wiped all my corys out wich has been sorted now with the treatment,
as a precaution im just treating once a month just for 2 months

well im 80% sure they are pure now as i had 3 fat shultzei females in the tank 2 was bigger than the other one, and the same size but today i notest one was going crazy all over the tank and iv found some eggs about 15 up to now :hyper: this one is really fat and the other isnt wich was as fat so im guessing that was the one that layed eggs the other day as iv pullled all the plants out so can see were it puts the eggs and collect them.
the bronze cory went in with the other bronze the day after the other eggs hatched and layed loads ov eggs in my bronze cory tank 2 days ago.

but at least if these hatch i know now there 100% shultzei :)
Hi mate,
Don't ant to hyjack your thread m8, but in the asking of inbreeding. I may need to put due to decorating a room, my bronze in with my community tank. In which the peppers keep laying eggs.

Problem i've got is the out of the 3 bronze i've got, 2 def to me look like females loaded with eggs, and the other is a lazy male that can't be bothered. Is the male peppers going to have a field day. I'm sure the randy thing will service them :crazy:

Anyone had crossed bronze and peppers b4?
Hi mate,
Don't ant to hyjack your thread m8, but in the asking of inbreeding. I may need to put due to decorating a room, my bronze in with my community tank. In which the peppers keep laying eggs.

Problem i've got is the out of the 3 bronze i've got, 2 def to me look like females loaded with eggs, and the other is a lazy male that can't be bothered. Is the male peppers going to have a field day. I'm sure the randy thing will service them :crazy:

Anyone had crossed bronze and peppers b4?

hi StrontiumDog

im thinking now that mine are not cross breeds with one ov my schultzei spawning last night ,as it could ov been one ov my other schultzei females spawning ,as they are all ready to spawn and looked as fat as the one that had eggs last night the other week,and now looks the same as the one that has layed eggs now , so im 99% sure there not cross breeds, iv about 30 wriglers 2 days old now so ill have to wait and see what they are.

as for peppers and bronze cross breeding its very unlikely iv keep my bronze and peppers together for 2 years and iv had no cross breeding up to now.

see if you can get another male bronze that will give him a bit of compertition :good:

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