Cotton Wool


Mostly New Member
Oct 30, 2013
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I have fish aquarium in which Ornada Gold has got cotton wool on its head & tail is zigzagged like.What can I do.Aquarium is of size 3 feet by 1 feet by 1 feet.What to do here?
Any help here.Cotton like thing is also getting on body.What should be done?
is there any chance you could put up photo's?
do you have a filter on/in the tank?
what are your water changes?
how long have you had the fish/tank?
how long has the cotton wool stuff been there?
i ask these questions as it would really help me to help you.
on the head it could either be wen growth or fungus. on the body is most likely fungus. i'm not to sure what you mean with it's tail, it could be fin rot.
Aquarium is old but changed complete water 25 days back.Tail is zigzaged.Like u can say zor can't tell clearly,like it is being not proper.Added new Ornada Gold(pair) just 3 days back.There is filter ofcourse.Increased temp to about 28 degree celcius.I do not want ot loose that fish.It is eating.I found that Bronze Gold is eating something from that or just nipping on its body.Please anybody help here
i think i may have read your original post wrong, i thought it was an oranda goldfish you had.
but in saying you have put the temp up to 28 C i re-read the post and think it may be something else.
the only thing i can suggest is trying 20% water changes daily until someone who has experience with your kind of fish can offer some advise.
I have Ornada-Gold.I feel whenever I change water there is some problem.There are also Red Tail sharks in it.Water is giving bit smell too.Any help
Gold fish and red-tails aren't necessarily the best tank mates. I suggest separating the sick fish from the rest of your tank. It sounds like fungal growth to me but can't be sure since Im no expert. Maybe just watch the separated fish and see if any of the others get the same condition.
Gold fish are extremely messy so the smell of the water could be due to then waste. Are there any bottom feeders in with them? Check your substrate to make sure there isn't rotting bits of food and fish waste.

Wish I could help more.
Added Acriflavin here.Also please let me know what is Mycin tablets.Will try changing part water.
Still not able to solve the problem.Still that Cotton Wool returns.Today added Malachite Green

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