'cotton wool' on danio


Fish Herder
Aug 13, 2003
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have just noticed that one of our zebra danios has a teeny (about 1mm)patch of cotton wool looking fungus on its head :( . we last treated this on a danio about 8 months ago with interpet fin rot & fungus treatment but had a nasty experience with the stuff(it anaesthetised our tiger barbs) a more recent time we put interpet fin rot & fungus med in the tank our yoyo seemed to be really affected by it, he started flopping around the tank and to tell the truth looked like someone who had ingested too much alcohol.( not the normal yoyo lying down thing - this was different).......anyway we did a rapid water change & yoyo recovered rapidly.
so is there anything else anyone can suggest that we can get in the uk that would help??? ive put melafix in but im not sure if it will be strong enough.
we dont have a heater for our hosp tank yet.......maybe its time we got one???
any help most appreciated
oh and we've just added a couple of little shrimps to the tank & a lot of meds say not to use with invertebrates. i presume shrimps are invertebrates??!! from my limited memory of biology (excuse my extreme ignorance please)
Not to long ago I one of my oscars had the "white cotton".
I used Melafix and it cleared it up really fast.
It should be strong enough.
The Melafix people have put out another product called Primafix, but I'm not sure exactly what that treats.
But I guess it would be worth a shot to look into it :)
ive got cotton wool stuff on my drift wood...is this the same stuff? shoudl i get it ofF?

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