Cost Of Keeping Tropical Fish


New Member
Mar 7, 2011
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Hope im in the right just about to start keeping fish again..its cost me quite a bit of loot to get,what i think, is a pretty good set up.Ive been getting hastle from my partner for spending "all that money".My reply was "well now that i have bought it,theres very little costs after that.its pretty cheap to run,unlike your cat that costs a fortune in food,defleaing,vet bills,worming tablets..etc"...i kept her quiet for a few minutes then she hit me with"what about electricty bills,fish food,plant food,co2 refills"......oh bugga!....what costs more fishkeeping or a moggy? :unsure:
I think my tank (20g planted) costs me about $20-25 or so a month, including food, water, electricity, fertilizers, water conditioner, and considering that food, water conditioner, and fertilizer lasts me months so the cost is spread out over several months, I'm not buying those things every month. The only thing that needs to be paid for every month is water and electricity, for me.

Personally, I can say our family cat is more expensive than my aquariums. A year or two ago our cat got into a fight with another cat outside, got an infection and got really sick. We had to take her to the only emergency vet in the middle of the night. The whole thing cost at least a thousand dollars to get her treated. We keep her indoors now, but then we have to pay for cat litter instead which is maybe $10 for the brand we get, plus food ($7 if you get the cheap stuff), and flea treatments (really expensive, don't remember the price) if I accidentally take fleas home from the cat shelter I work at. If it's an outdoor cat, there's a big risk of having to pay for emergency treatment. Indoor cats cost less since you won't have as much a risk as paying for emergencies, but then you have to regularly buy litter and both indoor and outdoor need food. And money for cat toys, beds, furball meds, joint medication (old cats), and vet visits are a possibility.

I'd say they're about the same price, as long as the tank isn't an expensive setup or there aren't any cat/fish emergencies. Keeping any animal is expensive, I don't know of any that don't have their costs. It's pretty easy to add up all the costs of your tank, and check the prices of things online. Perhaps you do have an expensive setup, but there's no telling until you add it all up.

Note: all the prices I put are in United States Dollars.
ah..yess...i forgot about cat insurance..ill go and wake her up now.My parner..not the cat...........i also said that "the fish look totally beautifull"..the cat looked up and gave me one of her "im too sexy for my fur" look.....i guess its a bit difficult to compare...thanks for replying :D

ah..yess...i forgot about cat insurance..ill go and wake her up now.My parner..not the cat...........i also said that "the fish look totally beautifull"..the cat looked up and gave me one of her "im too sexy for my fur" look.....i guess its a bit difficult to compare...thanks for replying :D

i meant partner..of course
Ya, the bulk of your costs are obviously getting set up and typically the fish are the cheapest part. I've been buying plants and ferts and QT tanks and all that jazz and spending extra, but I'm figuring that once I have everything sorted, monthly costs will be about $35 including the energy to power it all.
90 percent of cost is the setup. I have at least 2grand in mine. More if i think, but i know i will get depressed about it. lol
Hope im in the right just about to start keeping fish again..its cost me quite a bit of loot to get,what i think, is a pretty good set up.Ive been getting hastle from my partner for spending "all that money".My reply was "well now that i have bought it,theres very little costs after that.its pretty cheap to run,unlike your cat that costs a fortune in food,defleaing,vet bills,worming tablets..etc"...i kept her quiet for a few minutes then she hit me with"what about electricty bills,fish food,plant food,co2 refills"......oh bugga!....what costs more fishkeeping or a moggy? :unsure:
here you there mate..two weeks ago i bought a second hand 3foot tank and stand for $120....repainted it bought everything i need for it bar the fish and worked out today i am 850 bucks down far........and yep the missus is on my case....As for whos right and wrong.......she's right about this...and she will be right about everything else!.... i would suggest you give her major input into which fish you get....get her buy in and the grief calms down....about that anyway :)
When it's come to happiness, I don't see money.
I got a pimped up fish tank. A cat that only eat expansive food. And a BMW 850ci with serious drinking problem..

You only live ones.

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