
it depends on what level swimmer they are. you could easily get a nice school of cories and then add some mid or top level swimmers. what else are you interested in?
I had 6 cory cats in my 20 gallon with a pair of pearl gouramis and a black molly. (They are in a bigger tank now with other fish.)

If you went with smaller tankmates, you could still have 6 cories with a higher number of tankmates. I have some little black neon tetras that are pretty and go well with the cories.

Anything in particular you're interested in??
Corys need to be in groups of at least 4 to be happy, albino, peppered and bronze corys are good starter ones as they are quite hardy; what other fish do you have in your tank?

I've got a 20 gallon tank (kinda) and I have 5 cory Metae. I picked them cos they are a smallish cory...5cm max i think.

It depends on how many other fish you want though. But I would get a minimum of 4. My corys stay together 90% of the time.


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