

New Member
Mar 2, 2011
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Small corydoras that are easy to breed, and don't take up more than ten gallons of the tank in a group of 5. I need some that can be with white cloud and albino pleco(don't know what kind max size 10 inches). I don't have driftwood, and don't want to buy it. I will have a planted tank. No pygmy corys. :fish:
I have had a lot of success breeding green corydoras but I don't know if they are considered to be "small". Mine are about 3.5 inches long. Bronze and albino bronze are also easy to breed and all will get along with each other.
i would find out what plec you have first as a good number of them require wood as part of there diet
There is a fish food for catfish that includes wood. It is by Sera and is a bit expensive, but very high quality. If your lfs doesn't have it, it is available online and probably cheaper.

I only know of albino BN = ABN's. Is there another albino Plec species? But at 10" it isn't a common BN. Be sure it isn't too aggressive for Cories, let alone small ones. Also, you may have some problem with breeding with Cories and Plecs in the same tank. I found my Cories eat the Plec eggs (at least I assume that is why I didn't have many plecs until I separated them. And the plecs will likely eat eggs.

some small Corys: C. bilineatus "San Juans", melini, arcuatus, pandas

Pandas are the most available usually and very sweet. They lay their eggs on floating plants. Good luck

Green Cories, bronze Cories and most albinos are the same species, C. aeneus. Sterbai and peppers also have an albino strain. C. aeneus is considered a larger Cory.

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