

I am the Loach Queen...fear me, mortal!
Apr 27, 2004
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Wisconsin: The Land of Cheese and Cows
Yeah. Impulse buy. :p I only went in to my favorite pet store to get some more carbon cartridges for my undergravel filter, and I saw that they had just gotten a whole new stock of fishies I looked... The clown loaches were sooooo tempting, but I don't think my tank is quite established enough for them yet...

...instead I bought three of these little cory cats instead! They were just so darn cute, I couldn't pass them up. Does anyone know what kind of corys these are? I think that they are corydoras trilineatus, but I'm not 100% positive.

And I do know that my gravel is a bit too big for these little guys, but I have plans to eventually change over to sand, hopefully sooner rather than later.

Anyways, here's the pics! Enjoy! ;)


They're sensitive to high nitrates and bad water quality, so you should keep close tabs on them.

Inchworm has a site that should help...
Thanks nina! I saw that you have skunk corys...those were actually my second choice for corys, and if they would have had some at the pet shop I would have gotten one or two of them. They are so cute! And really fun to watch...I'm getting a kick out of watching them. :wub: :lol: :wub:
They grow to 3".

Excellent pictures Arashi, like always :thumbs: Congrats on the new fish- they're adorable!
Yeah, My first choice was Panda cories but then when the store didn't have any I had to go with the skunks!

Very cute pic of the plec and cory! My little guys absolutely love their algae tablets! I have them in my 55 gallon though and since they are sooooo tiny, I tend to loose them quit easily! Especially since my gravel is white and they are white and black! :blink:

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