Corys =]


Fish Herder
Feb 13, 2009
Reaction score
Manchester UK
okay so I've had my 2 leopard corys for a little while now and theyre doing great!

But there are a couple of things I'd like to know =]

how can you tell the difference between genders? as id really like to breed them =]

Are they shoalling fish? because my 2 like to hang out and play together...

and what do they like to eat? as i have catfish pellets and so far ive never seen them eat them but you never know....

thanks =]
okay so I've had my 2 leopard corys for a little while now and theyre doing great!

But there are a couple of things I'd like to know =]

how can you tell the difference between genders? as id really like to breed them =] Females tend to be larger than the males, from above the female should be more rounded/plumper in the belly area.

Are they shoalling fish? because my 2 like to hang out and play together... Yes they are schooling fish and do better within groups of 6+.

and what do they like to eat? as i have catfish pellets and so far ive never seen them eat them but you never know.... I feed mine on tetra prima as there main meal and bloodworm for a treat once a week unless im conditioning then i feed bloodworm every other day.

thanks =]
a few more ideas on feeding ;)

i feed my corys butternut squash , cucumber , courgette , apple and potato as treats
along with sinking pellets and wafers and live and frozen foods such as black worms , blood worms , daphnia and brine shrimp

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