

spamming my way to the top...
Sep 27, 2005
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Sheffield (rules your rear-end!)
hi, i am wondering whether corydoras catfish need to have a sand substrate, or will they be alright with
fine gravel, if so, could you tell me or post a picture of how fine it should be. :ninja: :thumbs:
Yeah, I would sure hate to damage the barbells on my little cuties. My used to be four, now SEVEN (3 babies :wub: ) have regular aquarium gravel on some of the tank floor, sand sections on others and even a few larger river bottom type smooth very large pebbles in other areas. They seem fine with all of the surfaces, just chugging along over the top of them. The gravel I have in there is the usual size you see sold in pet stores, sometimes in neon colours :sick:. Maybe one of the main criteria is making sure the gravel doesn't have any sharpish edges to it, pebbles or rocks either. The bag of mixed golden gravel I bought from the pet store has all rounded edges. Hope that helps! :)
I just put 15 wild caught cories in a tank with about 2" of SpectraStone. Several of the dears came up with red sore noses. I changed the substrate to 30 Grit, a medium weight, at both Inchworm's suggestion and the seller's insistent advice. Now they have 1/2" to 1" of medium weight sand. I can see that they plow along with their noses in the sand like they are tilling for planting. Actually they are looking for black worms.

Medium weight is the finest you should get as it will not float around so bad. Keep it shallow. You can actually not use a substrate with cories, at least for some time. I got 30 Grit, medium weight, cleaned and steralized builder's sand: Quickrete. 50 pounds is available at any home improvement store in the States for under $4. Some use play box sand. The cories love it.

Enjoy your cories. I fed my new ones black worms. now they come running when they see me and line up at the glass watching me. :wub:
I keep mine on very smooth rounded gravel. Not ideal, perhaps, but they are not hurting themselves, and I am careful to keep it clean. After 7 months their barbels are in excellent condition and they spawn regularly. Sand is clearly best, the worst I think is either sharp gravel or any dirty substrate.

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