Corys with Dwarf Cichlids?


Fish Crazy
Nov 5, 2004
Reaction score
Kent UK
Hello everyone,

I'm about to get some dwarf cichlids to go with my two angelfish in a 350 litre tank. I have 2 small plecs (shouldn't get any bigger than about 5-6 inches), a couple of loaches and 3 small bandit corys. Nothing ever seems to bother the corys, but will dwarf cichlids? I'm thinking of getting agazzazis, cockatoos and/or lemon dwarfs.
i have two golden serverum chiclids and they r getting on fine with my 6 corys. they dont occupy the same water so they dont really come into contact with each other. so they should be fine together.
I know that corys are fine with apistogrammas, rams and probably most other dwarfs. The cichlids will sometimes pick on them a bit but no harm is usually done as long as they have enough room. Corys will eat chiclid eggs however.

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