New Member
I have a friend that is away for a while an i take care of his tank, a 20 gallon planted low-tech tank w/7 platies and 3 albino cories and some ghost shrimp. He got them about almost a week ago, and 2 days ago two of them stopped looking for food and only moved if some other fish get near. Noe all of them stay in one place with 2 of them under a small cave like thing and another near the other corner of the tank? Help please i have a tank of my own but never had experience with cories. Stats: ph of 7.2 ammonia 0 nitrite 0 nitrate about 20. he usally does a 25% water change weekly so i do it as well. please help as i don't want them to die while he is away. the tank has been set up for 3 months.