When I set my new 55 gallon tank up with a pea gravel cap I worried about what the gravel would do to my cories' whiskers. I had watched a youtube video a few years back showing and talking about gravel damaging or not damaging cory's whiskers. A few videos were showing damaged whiskers, but I watched one with this old guy who considered himself a cory expert that was saying it was all a myth, I can't find that video now. He was saying that animals don't engage in activities that will hurt themselves, or something to that effect.
So my cories have been living on pea gravel for six months now and today I seen most of them lined up in a row against the glass, so I took pictures of them. Their whiskers don't look damaged to me.
So my cories have been living on pea gravel for six months now and today I seen most of them lined up in a row against the glass, so I took pictures of them. Their whiskers don't look damaged to me.