Corys W/tiger Barbs


I'm a girl . . . yup, definitely a girl. =)
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Sep 12, 2005
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Cheyenne, WY
I going to be setting up a 30gallon tank @ work and stocking it with around 8-10 tiger barbs, a bulldog pleco (added when the tank matures) and I was wondering if any has had any problems w/tiger barbs picking on corys. I was thinking of adding 5 bronze cory along w/the pleco once the tank has matured. Any comments on this set up would be appreciated. Oh, and I'll definatley be overfiltering as I know I'll be a little overstocked per the 1"/gal rule. I keep afican cichlids @ home so I'm used to a rigid cleaning regimen. Thanks Dawn

Since you plan of keeping a big shoal of barbs they should pick at each other and leave the corys alone. At least one person on here had tigerbarbs nipping their corys dorsal fins but i don't remember how many barbs they kept. So long as you have places for the corys to escape to , plants, caves etc i think they should be fine.

Emma :D
Well, I started off with two tiger barbs, and they were nipping the cories. And then I had 6 tiger barbs, and they were still nipping the cories. It's up to you I guess, 8-10 sounds like it would work.

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