Corys That Stay Smaller?


Fish Fanatic
Feb 1, 2006
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I am looking to get a couple corrys here in 3 weeks or so (I know long time but I want to wait till my tank is a month old at least, and this way I can read up on the fish i am going to add.

Anyways, I have 18"20" footprint, and will have a breeding pair of german rams in the tank, there will be a good amount of amazon sword cover on one side of the tank.
I know the rams stay closer to the bottom and being a breeding pair I have read they can be protective of their territory, esspecially when breeding.

So I am looking for a cory that stays under 2" or there abouts so I can still get 3 of them in there and be ok with the rams.
I was told the albino corys are about the smallest, but from what I read they are one of the larger ones.

OR I was told that the glass shrimp (the kinda clear ones) would also be good for the bottom of the tank.
I am half looking for a fish that will eat the leftovers that make it to the bottom, and well its just fun to watch corys too.

Thanks in advance.
What about some C121's ? I've seen some here at a shop in London and they look just gorgeous - and they should max out at 2".
Mmm, or was it Corydoras adolfoi :S I can't remember now, as they look quite similar.

Then of course there are the tiny little pygmy cories - though the look quite different to the average cory :)

I'm sure there are other that will fit into the 2" range too, so perhaps others can advise.

If you get dwarf corys (pygmy, hastatus, habrosus) only habrosus will stay on the bottom 99% of the time. The others swim at all levels of the tank. I'd be worried about shrimp in there with the rams but you may get away with fan shrimp (often sold as bamboo or wood shrimp) as they grow bigger. Do a search for google images for pics.

Emma :)
by my count there are 70 corydoras species that stay 2" or under.
It would be better if you asked how big a particular cory gets and then we could tell you.
by my count there are 70 corydoras species that stay 2" or under.
It would be better if you asked how big a particular cory gets and then we could tell you.

wow, thats alot.
Where do I look to see this info?

I was looking at the panda cory last night thouhg :)
I am working on a size list for corys, but am awaiting input from our resident cory expert (inchy) as I have 151 listed, but need to thin it down.
the pandas are cool. i'd go with them if i were you. i have 3 and i rarely see them swimming anywhere other than the sandbottom.
Hi Jeff000 :)

You might want to reconsider putting any corys at all in with your rams. I have heard some stories about them being attacked.

Even if they are not, corys do not do well if they are stressed, and having to live in fear of potentially dangerous tankmates is enough to weaken their immune systems which might cause them to become ill and eventually die.

Please ask about their behavior in the Cichlid section before you get any corys. :D
Hi Jeff000 :)

Please ask about their behavior in the Cichlid section before you get any corys. :D

Thanks :)

I have asked, but no real reply. Seems they will be ok though.
Tank will be heavily planeted by the time the rams are introduced. :)
Hi Jeff000 :)

But you see, corys don't like to hide all of the time. They are normally outgoing fish who like to swim up and down the glass playing with each other. Sometimes they suddenly shoot up to the surface to gulp air too. Do you think this might disturb the rams?

I know you don't want to do anything to harm any fish, so I'll look for the thread I remember seeing, and if I find it I'll put a link here for you.
Thanks :) if yo ufind it I would love to see it so I make sure i get compatible tank mates.

If you get dwarf corys (pygmy, hastatus, habrosus) only habrosus will stay on the bottom 99% of the time. The others swim at all levels of the tank. I'd be worried about shrimp in there with the rams but you may get away with fan shrimp (often sold as bamboo or wood shrimp) as they grow bigger. Do a search for google images for pics.

Emma :)

I'd say ghost shrimp are okay with German Rams. I have a well planted tank with 5 shrimp and 2 German rams. It was one ram, I recently added the other, but the shrimp are fine. They are constantly molting and getting bigger. The ram didn't even seem to notice they were there.

BTW, I think you were asking about sexing the German Rams on a previous thread. The females have pink on their bellies and the black spot on their sides will have little blue specks in it. The male has neither of these.
Sorry it's off topic.

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