Corys Suitbale For My Tank?


New Member
Jan 2, 2008
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Perth, Australia
I'd really like to get some cory's for my tank but I'm concerned with a couple of things.

1- Temperature. Currently my tank sits at around 75F but in summer it can get upto 84F on really hot days. From what I've read this is too high for cory's but would it be a problem if its only for a few hours each day in summer until the house cools down?

2- Substrate. I have eco-complete and have heard a few people say this isnt suitable for corys

3- Tankmates. I have: 7 x neon rainbows, 8 x barbs (5 tigers, 2 golden, 1 ruby), 2 x keyholes, 1 x bolivian ram and 1 x bristlenose. All of these fish are pretty peaceful so I'm hoping they shouldnt be a problem.

I have a moderate-heavily planted 125 litre (3 foot tank). The pH is 7.6 and I do weekly water changes of 30%.

Are there any corys that would be suitable for my aquarium?
C. leucomelas can manage the temps to about 86 I understand. Most other high temp Corys top out at around 82 degrees F. You will likely need a good supplier as many many fish are confused with leucomelas and leucomelas are called by many names that are not theirs.

I see no problem with Eco Complete.

But I would be concerned about the keyholes and Ram as they age or when breeding. Corys will mostly not pay any attention to territorial boundaries.

I understand the keyhole is peaceful, and I am not familiar with it. I have Corys with appistos in a community tank without problems. Be sure you have an alternate plan, just in case.

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