Corys, Substrate, Leaves... Lots Of Q's.


Fish Fanatic
Mar 19, 2008
Reaction score
York, UK
hey people.

I am hoping to get a couple of cories but have a few questions about my tank set up.

The bottom of my tank is mostly covered with java moss and smoooth large flat pebbles. I have java fern and dwarf anubias in my tank. Which cories prefer to rest on leaves rather than the substrate and also remain rather small (Ihave heard pygmys do, how about pandas and harbrosus?

Martha xxx
short answer is yes

Corys so far in my experience do rest on leaves. Only the dwarf "prefer" as far as I can tell so far. But any tank that has nice anubias or moss to rest on they rest on it when the mood strikes. Aggressive tank mates could discourage them though.
my black schultzei corys always rest on the leaves of my amozon swords none of the others do it just the blacks :good:
My albino long fin peppers sleep in the java moss. My green lasers and caudimaculatus congragate on the Jari Zebra Plec caves. It some depends on the decore and tank mates. The green lasers especially liked the anubias leaves before I took them out.


Green neons grouped on the Jari cave
Sorry this one is so spotty and dull, but you get the idea




Good view from the anubas
Pics look great!

I have a 2 30litre tank with lots of planting and moss, I am thinking of either pandas or habrosus cories? how many would you recommend of each species (will only get one for each tank, but was thinking of having cories in one and habrosus in the other)

I know they like 2 be kept in shoals of about 6, will 6 be fine in my 30litre of each? I know pandas get a little bigger than habrosus...
I am still working on the 30 ltr conversion LOL So I am bumping this thread to answer later. :p
BTw in my post above I meant to put 'I am hoping to have Panda's in one and habrosus in the other' rather than 'cories and habrosus' as that makes very little sense :D

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