many choices!! What to choose!?


Fish Crazy
Mar 1, 2004
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Hey, I am setting up a breeding tank for my kribs and rams. Its a 206L(55gal)tank...its going to be heavily planted. Actually it IS already heavily planted but its going to become MORE heavily planted if that makes any sense. The pH is around 6.8-7.0. There is gonna be one breeding pair of rams and one breeding pair of albino kribs in there, 10 ottocinclus, 1 Thai Flying Fox, 10 congo tetras, and who knows what else. I was thinking some Serpae tetras or Rummy Nose tetras. Question is...would it be suicidal for me to get some cories for the tank? I love them, they are such cute little fishies. Would they get beat and battered too much in that tank? Or would they be able to handle themselves. I haven't added the rams or kribs yet, was figuring i should add the other fish first. I've got 3 pieces of relatively big iron wood in there, as well as several clay pots for the cichlids. I'm thinking about putting in an undergravel P.V.C system for the catfish, or the loaches if i actually get some. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Is this over stocking the tank? Or getting close to over stocking? LOL! Thank you for your time!
Naaaa.... I don't think they'll get picked on in that setup. From what I've heard, Kribs are pretty good community fish even when breeding, and I don't think that they're going to spend all day chasing the cories around the tank. Plus, if it's heavily planted, then they won't be out in the open.
Good luck with the kribs!!!! I would love to own some!!!
I agree with guppygirl. I don't think they would get picked on. I have some cories and they are REALLY hardy fish!
I've always had good luck with cories - they tend to be left alone by most fish. If you're really concerned then some lfs's carry more mature 2" cories. The serpae's are beautiful, so I always think they're a good choice :D I don't think you need 10 oto's, but if you really like oto's, then go for it :cool:
thanks for your inflamation guys!! lol! Very much appreciated. Yeah i know i don't need that many otos...but i figured 1 oto per 5 gal. and since they were cheap eh, why not? I've got them in my 20 gal right now and they are just demolising any existing algae! Its great!

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