Cory's Need Help


Fish Fanatic
Mar 11, 2008
Reaction score
Amersham, UK
Well Ive just got 4 new fish

2 peppered and 2 albino type ones lol

and the peppered have settled in well, however the albinos are swimming fairl erratic all over the place and they dont hover around the bottom they are both with my mollies.

Can any one help?
My albinos took a few days to settle. Even after they have settled in to their normal "search and eat" routine they will have the odd manic moments.

lol bless them hehe odd manic moments they are on a permanent one at the moment. When I put them in first my sailfin mollies were nipping at them the little bitches they are mind you they did loose their male friend an hour before these were introduced. He was bad cus he kept head butting the bloody tank stupid git!
Do they have places to hide away? Something to get behind and under? They need to be able to get out of sight and out of the light.

Is the tank in an area of heavy traffic?

I suggest you make sure they have lots of cover. Turn the lights off or down for awhile. If there is lots of traffic, maybe cover or shield the tank.

Corys are more secure in large groups of same species. They are naturally in goups of hundreds. 4 is not enough to give them that sense of security. I always get at least 6 of a species if I can.

If they don't have aggressive and frightening tank mates they will get more settled, although they will hide out more than in a different circumstance with so few.
Cool thanks guys well so far they have settled down really well, although the albinos are still a little bit scatty but the others are doing fine! The albinos just seem to like swimming up the top with my mollies at the moment, however I think 2 of the mollies maybe pregnant as they seem to be getting a lil bit fatter around their tummies!
Corys do this they are mad little fish.

Corys like to be in at least 6 of the same species no matter what fish shops may say.

They could be a bit lonely and they could hide. If they do this introduce more corys IF your tank is ready for it.
yes they have however they do not really hide they are very much at front of tank, all of them that is and when you change water over the albinos come up and touch your hand lol quite cute really
That is good news, turnnidge. The albinos are no doubt man bred, whether farm or aquarium. It is also possible that the albinos are peppers. Bronze/C. aeneus, peppers/C. paleatus and C. sterbai are the most common albino breeds, although bronze is most frequent. Panda also has a stablized albino variation, but they are much less common.

I love how Corys come to the glass and line up in rank to watch what is going on. I assume they are looking for food.

We never know what fish have gone through to reach our tanks. That is why many will advice to release new fish not only in a quarantine tank but in a quiet tank with the lights off so they get to settle down without extra stress. It is also often advised to wait 24 hrs to feed them. I am guessing because stress causes constipation and uneaten food left because of stress is bad for the tank conditions.

Did you know turning lights down is a calming technique with people too, especially children? :)

I am happy for your fish that you are a caring hobbyist. :good:
Thanks Guys!

I turn all lights off in the room, and shut the door and just let them be!


One of my albinos has been attacked, or got caught up in something! Its rear fin is missing! gone ripped off he still can move around however he uses his whole body! Do you think he will survive, what shall I do??:(

What is in the tank?

Do you have water test kits?

Make sure the water quality is very good and then do daily water changes and substrate vacs.

Watch the wound. If it gets worse, shows red or white edges, becomes ragged then get antibacterial meds. If you are in the UK check with a Brit on the meds available.

If you are in the States, I will suggest some meds.

If there are any aggressive fish remove them or move/isolate the injured Cory. But if there are aggressive fish (Cichlids esp, even angels or discuss) the Corys must be separated. You said mollies, I assumed that they are non aggressive and you didn't have anything else. This is probably why the Corys were acting skittish. I was suspicious and should have asked about the inhabitants of the tank. Sorry, My mistake.

Please list the other tank mates. We must find out the cause of the damage.
Remove the perpetrators then just monitor the wound.

If you can't do that (identification) then a quarantine tank may be in order.

You have to give the Cory the chance to heal, otherwise he/she is a goner.

Good luck.
hi turnnidge

i agree with jollysue and cory_Dad either move any preditor fish you have or move the cory to another tank to give it the best chance :good:
The Corys should be separated from any aggressive, predator or territorial fish. All 4 of you Corys are potentially at risk. Corys have no defense and do not understand territories.

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