Cory's Keep Getting Stuck...


Fish Fanatic
Mar 19, 2008
Reaction score
York, UK
I have anew shoal of cories, and some of them keep wedging themselves between rocks and the glas,s between rocks and substrate, between bogwood and rocks, basically anything they can wedge themselves in, they do!

I am really worried that I am going to lose them. Water stats are all fine as usual. I have already lost two out of 12 through 'wedging' incidents :( I have moved the tank around to try and make less places to get stuck in, but most of them seem fine... if they can get in these places, why cant they get out?

martha xxx
I am going to hazard a guess that the Corys are finding food in these tight spaces that they are trying to get to. Corys don't seem to have a "backup" gear. They have a good "wiggle" gear. But of course "wiggle" in "forward" will only get them wedged in tighter.

So, you got it: eliminate the tight wedgy spots.

Also, check to be sure that there is no uneaten food going bad in the crevices of your tank, or the next thing you may see are infected barbels.

Your test kits will not check for bacterial build up.
Corys can wiggle backwards...

Mine all ways get stuck amongst my Sagitteria.
then have to wiggle backwards to get free :)
so Cute
Corys can wiggle backwards...

Mine all ways get stuck amongst my Sagitteria.
then have to wiggle backwards to get free :)
so Cute

Thats the thing, I have seen mine go backwards too... (they are habrosus and are very tiny) I hope the rest are fine, I didn reaarage the tank to remove the 'tight wedgey spots' but theyre even getting under rocks which they then cant get out from under!
:lol: OK back up it is! But Corys do have a reputation for getting stuck in things. Betta do too. Holes in things that are big enough to get stuck half way in etc. I don't know about habrosus behaviors in this regards. :look:

I'm not really sure we can expect the same behaviors from fish as from some other animals. After all one of the IQ tests for a dog is how fast they can get a blanket off their head! :rofl: Have you tested your dog's IQ lately? :p All I have seen a smart dog do is shake until the blanket falls off. A dumb one just sits there. :lol:
hahah, its true, fishies are silly.

I shall have to teach them how to be smart, or put big 'warning dont get stuck' signs all around my tank.
how about the foam that you get around plant roots when you buy them?
stuff that into the holes???
how about the foam that you get around plant roots when you buy them?
stuff that into the holes???

The way theyre going the whole tank would be covered, they just squeeze into rndom spots. Its gotten better though so im hoping those particular two cories just, like to squish...

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