Corys In Quarentine Won't Eat


New Member
May 7, 2011
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Warwickshire, UK
I have just bought 4 Julii corys and have them in quarentine at the moment, on gravel. The community tank I want to move them to is also gravel. The fish shop said they would be fine on gravel but one of them now seems to be missing the barbels on one side and I'm concerned. Also, they don't seem to be eating very much. They will eat bloodworms and sinking catfish pellets but it takes them a long time to even pay any attention to any of the food I give them (I've also tried algea wafers, daphnia, flake and they are not interested at all in any of those).

I am thinking about changing part of the quarentine substrate to sand to see if it makes any difference, and if it does, I will change part of the main tank substrate to sand before I move them across.

Does this sound OK?
Is there any reason other than the substrate, that they might be so reluctant to eat?
It will make a huge difference to the cories to get some sand in there for them. Yes, they're ok on gravel, but sand is much, much better for them.

They could just be feeling shy; 4 is quite a small number; if you can possibly get a couple more, that would help. Make sure they have plenty of hiding places, obviously!
Thanks for this Fluttermoth. The quarentine tank has gravel and a load of plastic plants in it but not much else in the way of decor. I will try to add some more to it today and see if that helps. I should be getting the sand today as well, so will make all the changes at once and see what happens.

If I get 2 more corys should I add them in with the ones already quarentined (meaning I will have to quarentine for longer but they will be in a larger group) or should I wait and quarentine them separately after I add these ones to the main tank (meaning the current ones will go in the big tank sooner but then I will have 2 on their own for a while in quarentine)?

Many thanks.
Oh - also there are 4 black phantom tetra in quarrentine with the corys, I don't know if that makes any difference to anything.
The phantoms shouldn't make any difference, but I don't know all that much about their temperament tbh. Yes, just add extra cories into the quarantine tank, even if you do have to quarantine for a bit longer; they won't mind if there's more of them.
They do appreciate their little hiding places; even a plastic flowerpot made into a little cave will help them feel more secure (you might have to put a rock on it!)
I've got 7 Corydoras adolfoi and 7 C. panda and still sometimes when I look in the tank I can't see a single one!

Best of luck :)
i use tubing that you might use on a filter system for a pond. Its about an inch in diameter and the corys like to hide in it. its cheap as chips, but admittedly it doesnt look that good :)
Thanks for the help guys! I put in a tray of sand and 2 small plant pots on Sunday and they do seem happier already. They are eating more now, but they are still taking a very long to get around to it. I'm a bit concerned that when they go into the big community tank they might starve if they dont get a bit more competitive! But they will be in quarentine a while longer, as I am going to take Fluttermoths advice and get a couple more (hopefully this weekend).
I'm also thinking about swapping the whole community tank over to sand, as the corys certainly seem to like even the relatively small amount I've put into the Q tank.

I think I will try and get some tubing as well, I think that will also be good for the yoyo loach in the big tank. Thanks for the idea Tizer :)

As for the one who seems to have lost the barbels on one side - will these grow back? Should I be concerned about infection or anything?
The barbels will grow back, yes. Just keep a close eye on that fish and if you see the ends of the worn away barbels looking white or fluffy at all it would be a good idea to treat with an anti-fungal med. But if you keep your water (and your gravel!) clean there's no reason to expect that to happen.

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