Corys Have Me Worried


Fish Fanatic
Nov 28, 2006
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I just added yesterday what i think are 3 sterba corys to my tank. I know they should be in bigger groups but thats all i could afford at the moment and i will be adding more. My concern is that my corys dont really stay at the bottom. They have been swimming a lot closer to the top on the back wall.

Should i be worried?
yea that helps, at least i know its not just my cories are unhappy.
I would be worried if my Cory's only stayed at the bottom! Nothing to worry about!
Seeing as i only have 3 i wanna get more. But i cant find the same kind again plus the lfs is too far for me to keep driving to. Do you all think if i got 3 similar looking corys, that it would work out and they would all shoal together?
The only real similar looking cory is C. Haraldschultzi and they are harder to find than sterbai so I believe best decision is to see if you can get the LFS to order some in.
Seeing as i only have 3 i wanna get more. But i cant find the same kind again plus the lfs is too far for me to keep driving to. Do you all think if i got 3 similar looking corys, that it would work out and they would all shoal together?

In my experience corys will shoal with other cories, that dont look like them, I currently have 5 C.trilineatus with 3 C.zygatus and they swim about together.

Just be careful incase they start to spawn as you may have hybrids if they breed together. Well depends how closely related the two species are.

Sterbai are lovely Cories I'd love some, but alass I dont have room atm.

and IMO they are worth traveling for :good:
most corys when introduced into a new tank will be a little nervous and although it looks funny and cute when they chase the water from the filter and are tearing about the tank, if it goes on too long (days and days) they are then not eating and could be suffering from stress
No no mine eat. The other day i dropped an algae table and as soon as one found it they all came and started taking turns eating. But i had the impression they were like plecs where they stayed at the bottom most of the time. Lol i know now they are very different than plecs.

If i did get another type of cory, are my chances good that they will all hang out? i would love to get more and i would love to have more of a variety.
Corys go everywhere. I have paleatus corys that will eat from the surface- they roll over onto their backs and suck the flakes in.

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