C. sterbai are happy Corys at the upper ranges even over 80.
Peppers like 70 and below.
Aeneus are good in the mid range--74.
Many will develop columnaris and fungus at the wrong range.
I moved recently and a few weeks later found a very sick tank with columnaris and advanced fungus infections. I was way behind taking care of all the little details that needed double checking. The guy who was given the task of setting up the tanks in the new fish room had knocked all the thermometers off and done some very strange and annoying things with the electical cords. They all needed rearranging so that they were drip proof and not right under a tank filter and other more minor annoyances.
It did not actually accur to me that he might have not made sure that heaters were set in at least a moderate range.
When I saw how sick the tank was I started doing water changes and treating the tank for columnaris, but I was not getting any headway! Finally, (what a dumby I can be) I realized that the water felt kinda warm. I checked the heater and it was set at over 80! Well, I set the heater to a reasonable moderate 74-75 and did a big cold water change. I carbon filtered the tank and started a new round of treatment. The tank which is over 2 years with the present stock and no losses recovered and the fish are doing well. I have some very nice Corys--including my first Corys purchased at the lps for my first Eclipse 12 community tank in that 40 usg Cory tank now.
I also had a melt down much the same with a tank last year when I bought my green lazers. They are kept similarly to C. aeneus. I noticed they were fading and getting sick. I eventually again noticed that the water seemed warm. When I checked sure enough the heater was in the upper 70's. None of the fish were happy, but the green lasers were devistated and a couple had advanced columnaris. I notified the seller and he told me it is was columnaris and recommended treatment. I lost one of the lasers, but the reast recovered. It pays to "have people!"
So the moral is: watch those heaters and thermometers. Watch your fish. Know their requirements. Have good people.
Inchworm is the first who preached knowing the Cory temp requirements. Ian Fuller hammered me too. I am glad they did.