Corys For A 60 Ltr Tank


Fish Fanatic
Apr 5, 2009
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Grimsby, N,E,Lincs
i like the looks of the bronze and juli's but are there any others that can be kept in a 60ltr tank? if so what and how many
most of them can pygmy , albino ,peppers and loads of other once you dont see as much

and it dependce what else u want in the tank but you need atlest 4
most of them can pygmy , albino ,peppers and loads of other once you dont see as much

and it dependce what else u want in the tank but you need atlest 6

'Needing' is a bit exagerated, yes 6+ would be best and a 60 ltr tank would hold 6 fine but as long as you have a minimum of 4 they will be happy.... various types of cory to pick from, sterbai, bandit, melini etc etc all depends on what your planned stocking is and will depend on what species would be suitable.... some like a lower temp where others require a slightly higher temp.
Hi MrG09 :)

That's a 15 gallon tank and it's big enough to keep any kind of cory in. Since they like to be kept in groups, there wouldn't be room for very many other fish in there too. Did you have a single species tank in mind?
not particularly i originally got it to keep multi's in (shell dwellers), then i was gonna make it a shrimp tank but my wife has claimed it and wants to keep trops, this will be her first ever tank and she wants to learn all the basics and how to properly maintain one, she just fancied some corys as she remembers the ones from my first tank but i had 15 an that was in a 4ft, so just curious about suitability for a tank this small, again not to clued on species for tanks this small besides shrimps and shellies but she doesnt really want either of those so had to have a re think, she wants pretty fish or ones with character (the corys) and she wants it to look quite active all in a small tank, so feel free to suggest posibilities as im stumped
What about panda cories? They only get to about 1-2inch i believe and are increadibly cute

Any other ideas about what is going in the tank?

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