Corys For 110Litre Tank - Dorset Pea Gravel


New Member
Aug 18, 2011
Reaction score
West Yorkshire, UK

I would like 2/3 Sterbi corys but reading on here they won't like the Dorset pea gravel I have for substrate. Is it a definite no to any of the small corys?


Cories do prefer sand,if the gravel is smooth,small and rounded you may get away with it...but they'd would do better with sand :good:

What size tank have you got and how long has it been set up & cycled?

Cories also do better in groups of 6+ being a shoaling fish...
It's a Juwel Rekord 800, 110 litre. 7 weeks now. Used some Dorset pea gravel, water, filter medium from old tank to get things going. Get water checked at least once a week and always ok. Ph 7, Am 0, Nitrate 0.
You could always remove or push aside some of the gravel and put a patch of sand in for the cories.
2 male dwarf gouramis
2 mickey mouse platys 1 male 1 female, added another femail later after i'd read up on harrassment!
2 male blue neon guppies
6 neon tetras
2 Agassizi cichlids 1 male 1 female
I would get more that 2 or 3 personally, I have 6 so far in my 120 but will be upping them to 10 in the next week :D

Sounds like you have a nice assortment, thought cichlids would eat smaller fish??

Laura x
I hope not! The LFS knows the fish I have already and they aren't supposed to grow more than 6cm aren't they?! they are very small at the minute, cost £7 each, don't know if that helps, suppose they must cost more when they are bigger?

Can I ask the experts on here, from looking at the fish I have already and the 110 litre tank, would I have room for a few corys? also which do you think are the prettiest colours and is there some that like to pop out and about more than others?

Thanks everyone

I would be wary about adding corys to a tank with cichlids,especially if the cichlids go into breeding mode... :unsure: has they both use the same space,and the corys would end up worse off....
I would get more that 2 or 3 personally, I have 6 so far in my 120 but will be upping them to 10 in the next week :D

Sounds like you have a nice assortment, thought cichlids would eat smaller fish??

Laura x
There are all sorts of cichlids; some are large and agressive and will certainly eat smaller fish; Apistogrammas are dwarf cichlids, and so are small and (relatively!) peaceful.

OP; I think your tank would be overstocked if you added a decent shoal of cories tbh.
You could always get yourself another tank....;)

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