Corys For 10 Gallon


Fish Addict
Sep 26, 2005
Reaction score
New York
Hello, im going to sell all of my fry in my 10 gallon and restock it with regular fish. I was going to get DPs but ive gotten really attracted to corys and now want to get more of them. Unfortunately, my 29 gallon is full of them and i dont want to over crowd them so im going to get some for the 10 gallon when the babies are gone, along with some small school of harliquin rasboras (5ish i guess). I was going to have the setup look like this:

10 gallon planted:
6 Harliquin Rasboras
5 Ghost shrimp
4 _____ Corys

I was wondering which corys you guys recommend i get. I was thinking of pandas, but maybe someone knows of another cory that stays around the pandas size (maybe juliis) and would be good for this tank. I was also thinking of putting sand in there too, just for the cories. What do you guys think? I already have bronze, orange lazer, and sterbai, so i dont want those.
Albino cories, here is my beautiful new veiltail albino :p
umm, i dont know, could be crowded

here some small corys:

Corydoras Napoensis: 4 cm
Corydoras Sanchesi: 4 cm
Corydoras Nanus: 3.5 cm
Corydoras Garbei: 4 cm


Aspidoras Lakoi: 4 cm
Aspidoras Fuscoguttatus: 3.5 cm

Hope that helps! They are all beautiful Catfish, just google image search them and see!

Some others (slightly larger this time):

Corydoras Sychri: 4.5 cm
Corydoras Xinguensis: 4.5 cm
Corydoras Atropersonatus: 4.5 cm
Corydoras Arcuatus: 4.5 cm
Corydoras Guapore: 4.5 cm

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