Corys...fighting !


Fish Fanatic
Dec 3, 2009
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Hey ive had 2 bronze corys for about 1 month now and they looked lonely so i purchased 2 more emerald corys...... they literally fight each other. i wish i could get it on tape. now the 2 emeralds stay together and the 2 bronze stay together.. did i do something wrong lol HELP ME
hmmm i actually think there scared of one another only because i JUST introduced them
Hi Djs7137 :)

It's unlikely that corys or brochis splendens (which is what your emerald corys usually turn out to be) will actually fight. They might not swim together but there should not be trouble. The species of bronze corys is C. aeneus.

Here's a link about the brochis. They are related to corydoras but are a bit bigger. The second link is for your bronze corys.

I'll move your thread into the Corydoras section of the forum. Look for it under Catfish. :D
Hey thanks man. sorry about posting it in the wrong spot. well i guess there not fighting but it looks like there going at it its really weird i never seen it before ill keep an eye on it thank you again
Actually i was mistaken there actually not Bronze Corys there actually Corydoras Pantanalensis. I dont know what the short term of this is.
hi,this has never happened to me,i have a 10 gallon with different kinds of corys,and they never fight. i have 2 elgan's corys emerald corys, 1 bronze ,and to lozo corys that's there trade names and i have never seen any fighting break out they all shoal together

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