Corys (cories?)

Ian Hattam

New Member
Apr 17, 2006
Reaction score
Gloucester, UK
Hi All

i have 3 peppered cories which have been in my tank for about 6months. Over the lastmonth or so they have become very shy. they used to spend a lot of tim eswimming about but now they hide at the back under one of my larger plants and can occaisionaly be seen swimming a little way from this plant first thin in the morning before the lights goes on. They seem healthy enough from what little I see of them. Is this normal behaviour for them as most information seems to suggest that cories are interesting to watch.
they like to be in groups of 6 or more

so maybe they feel a little shy now, what else is in the tank? is there anything that could make them feel threatened?
I have 7 neon tetras and 5 japonica/amano shrimp so nothin too scary i hope :D

They used to be quite active but no longer. perhaps getting them some new buddies might help as long as this wont overload the tank (it's only 60 litres)
or try buying some new plants and rearangeing the tank a little. my girlfriend did that when her fish got "boring" and they all livened up
Sounds like a good plan!

I bought some new plants at the weekend but didn't move their favourite hiding place so maybe I will try that and see if I can persuade them to show themselves a little more.

Thanks for the advice :D
i have 6 corys,4 bronze and 2 albino and they sometimes hide in the shade or plants,this is after they have eaten or darted about for a while though :D
My corys used to be like that too :( Now they just hide all day!

Will try re-arranging the plants and see what effect this has.

The other problem i have is that I feed them some sinking wafer food which my shrimps are keen to pounce on and carry off before my corys get a look in!

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