Corys Charging Up and Down Glass Not Necessarily Sign of Stress


New Member
May 4, 2020
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My panda corys were vigorously swimming up and down the glass last night, but didn't seem stressed at all. Snuck up on them with my glasses for a closer look and noticed several very tiny (16th of an inch) white flatworms on the glass. My pandas were hunting! And for an hour I watched them vacuum up several of the worms. So much fun to watch! And best of all they're getting FREE live worms in their diet! I hope the worms are breeding!
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Wouldn't have the slightest idea how. Anyone ever bred flatworms? If they came in on the Anubias petite that would be a great excuse to keep ordering more.

So sorry about Candy Salty. :(
Wouldn't have the slightest idea how. Anyone ever bred flatworms? If they came in on the Anubias petite that would be a great excuse to keep ordering more.

So sorry about Candy Salty. :(
Lots of debris and rotting and uneaten food is all they need to breed.

His death left a blubbering mess all day long today. I couldn't even sleep yesterday -_-
Lots of debris and rotting and uneaten food is all they need to breed.

His death left a blubbering mess all day long today. I couldn't even sleep yesterday -_-
Actually, I just counted at least 15 on the front glass alone. Looks as though I may be breeding them already. They could likely survive on the Nerite poop alone. Wow they poop alot!

I understand. I went through the same thing with my Kody a few years ago.
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