Hi, I had some very active corys in my tank. 5 total. They have went into hiding and are rarely seen anymore. This corrisponds with 2 things. An addition of 2 albino algae eaters (which were removed last night), and my finally getting into the butter zone with my plantings. From a few scragly sad looking plants, I got the ferts right and w/o any fancy Co2 or anything have amazing growth, so the floor of the tank isn't a hugh sandy bottom like it used to be. Just wondering if some long time Cory keepers had any ideas what I did to make my lil buddies reclusive. They used to snuffle across the bottom in a big pack back and forth and do that occasion shot to the top and back down. Wonderful little guys, I just miss seeing them frolicing around. Any suggestions would be appriciated. Thanks.