Corys + Aquarium Salt = ?


New Member
Mar 4, 2011
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Hey guys! So I was wondering what happens when you put aquarium salt in with cory catfish. I've heard that it kills them from some places and then I've also heard that they just don't like it, so I don't know.
What have you guys heard?
No, don't do it. They don't need it or require it for any reason. It will irritate their skin.
Firstly, why are you wanting to add aquarium salt? Does your tank have ich or some other disease that needs treating?

Secondly, Corys and salt don't mix.
Well the aquarium salt is good for the other fish I have in the tank (mollies, guppies, danios, clown loaches(don't know about that one)), so I use it for them. But I just added the corys and I was wondering if it was still okay to use. I guess I won't use it anymore...
As above, it's no good for clown loaches, and to be honest, should not be used on a regular basis for any freshwater fish.
Well the aquarium salt is good for the other fish I have in the tank

Old wives tale!
Guppys, mollies and other livebearers often appreciate a harder water/higher pH environment. But are truely freshwater fish. Please don't add salt.

Danios like a low pH/softer water, and chances are your corys do aswell.

Loaches should be kept away from salt due to the type of scales they have.
Clown loaches don't have scales...

But so when would I use aquarium salt if I shouldn't use it for my weekly water change?

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