Corys And Salt


New Member
May 21, 2007
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I have always added some salt - 1 teaspoon per 5 gallons - in my aquarium. I have heard it is generally good to protect against some diseases, plus I have Mollies in the tank. I just found out that it is bad to have any salt in the tank for Corys. I haven't seen any side effects on mine, but I was wondering if anyone else does this. Also, I never see my Corys swim up to the top of the tank to get air, is it possible for them never to do this and be ok?
I have always added some salt - 1 teaspoon per 5 gallons - in my aquarium. I have heard it is generally good to protect against some diseases, plus I have Mollies in the tank. I just found out that it is bad to have any salt in the tank for Corys. I haven't seen any side effects on mine, but I was wondering if anyone else does this. Also, I never see my Corys swim up to the top of the tank to get air, is it possible for them never to do this and be ok?

hi, i had mollies and corys together in my tank with added salt until i decided to breed mollies and my cory's were fine i have 3 albino cory cats 1 peppered and 2 sterbai but since moving my mollies i no longer need salt in with my cory's as long as your cory's look healthy they should be fine
Depends on which corys. 1 tsp per 5 gallons is fine. I actually put 1 tsp per gallon in my 29-gallon that has 7 panda corys and they're fine. :)
Cories dont have to go to the surface for air to survive, especially if you have good airation. Other then this are you cories active?
They are somewhat active. Whenever food is around the swim around like crazy. Other times they just sit on the bottom. I have had them for a year or so now - I have the blackfin corys - and they seem ok overall. I didn't think Corys need to get air from the surface, but I thought I read it on one of the forums. Thanks for the replies.

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