Corys And Mollies..


New Member
Aug 24, 2008
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Can corys tolerate the salt that mollies require? I have a 75 gallon tank with 6 peppered corys, 6 emerald cories, 10 black mollie and 1 common pleco. I just read that mollies need salt . Thanks
I've kept mollies for yrs and never added salt. They breed like made and seem to thrive in my saltless tank.

People will say otherwise but thats how its worked for me.

Not sure if corys will appreciate an increase in salt. If it ain't broke don't fix it comes to mind!
I've kept mollies for yrs and never added salt. They breed like made and seem to thrive in my saltless tank.

People will say otherwise but thats how its worked for me.

Not sure if corys will appreciate an increase in salt. If it ain't broke don't fix it comes to mind!

cory's wont apprieciate salt and dont like it think u would cause more harm than good but asa bove commented mollies dont really need salt many or most on this forum keep them without salt and they are very happy so i wouldnt really bother TBH

Thanks for the quick replies, guys. I've had mollies before and I didn't know they needed salt and they did fine until old age! It was only after I read that here that I began to worry. Thanks, again!
I presently am keeping some very nice mollies that do not have any salt added. In the past I thought it was needed and used a small amount of sea salt. The same tank had some trilineatus cories in it and they did OK but I doubt it was good for them.

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