Corys and Medicine


I'm trying really hard to act normal
Feb 28, 2003
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For the past week I have been preoccupied with a family crisis, and I noticed today that my molly has a horrible case of ick. I have quickcure and Metafix. I put the metafix in because I knew it was safe for my corys, but I wasn't sure about the quickcure. Will using both have adverse affects? I should probably do major water changes too, or not? None of my other fish (corys, dwarf puffers, or playties) have ick (yet). I've never had ick so bad before. :crazy:
tHE Medicine stops the ich reproducing. Also you might want to bump up the temp and feed them livefoods for a while. ;)
Will it be alright to treat with QuickCure and MetaFix, or should I not even use the Metafix? Does it help with curing ick at all?
metafix im not sure of, unless you mean melafix. i would just use 1 product specailly for ICH and bump temp up to 80F which about 27'C
If you do have ick (=ICH?), then you medicate using medicine that destroy ichs spores from water -like WaterLife Protozin. However... You should ask from store/manufacturer does the medicine contains Cu. If it does, then you need to change product. No Cu with corys.

By the way, what corys and mollies do in the same tank?

Increasing temperature parasites lifetime "speeds".

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