Corys And Gouramis (and Snails....)


New Member
Apr 24, 2007
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After finding that my 22g tank has cycled and is ready to go, I also found that I am soon to be overrun with snails. There are eggs everywhere on my plants. I had wanted to put some dwarf gouramis and cory cats in there, but I want to make sure that they will eat snails before adding anything, just in case I have to kill the snails some other way.

Also, how does 3 dwarfs (1 male, 2 female) and 4 cory cats (not sure what variety I want yet) sound? Any known aggression between the two species?
Corys wont eat the pest snails or their eggs. Before you add any fish. You could use a chemical available at your LFS which will rid you of pest snails.
Corys wont eat the pest snails or their eggs. Before you add any fish. You could use a chemical available at your LFS which will rid you of pest snails.

Corydoras will eat snails if you crush them up first. I have never done it, but have heard of people doing it.
I have no idea if they do, but I crush them anyway and drop them, in the fry net. :drool:

When I get lots of the bigger harder ones, I drop them in the tank with the clown loaches. They don't last long there. :drool:
Im being over run aswell and have been crushing them. Got about 15 corys in there. Not one have i seen eat one. Go figure??

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