Trying (and failing) to catch a poorly danio yesterday, I finally got round to removing the plastic fake bogwood and tidying up a couple of overgrown plants. To my surprise, my leopard corys (trlineatus) are suddenly so much more sociable - right out in this new open area, scrabbling around in the pruned plants, having a lovely time. The bronzes have always been like this, but the leopards normally hide - but since yesterday they've been out and about as much as the bronzes. And I'd thought they might be upset as it was one of their favourite hiding places - not one bit.
OK, it's hardly minimalist now, lots of plants (and algae), plastic shipwreck, (real) bogwood, moss, lots of hiding places, but it hadn't occurred to me that corys would enjoy some open space on the floor.
OK, it's hardly minimalist now, lots of plants (and algae), plastic shipwreck, (real) bogwood, moss, lots of hiding places, but it hadn't occurred to me that corys would enjoy some open space on the floor.