corys and algae


Jul 26, 2004
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Newcastle,NSW, Australia
hi, in my 187 planted iu have a massive outbreak of algea atm, and was wondering if a crew of corys would help eat it for me. it is hair algae and is growing out from the gravel and stuff. would they be alright or should try something else?
Corys don't eat algae, they are scavengers that filter through the substrate at the bottom of the tank although they will eat algae wafers they have no tools so to speak to eat fresh growing algae. A small plec of some sort would be much better as there are many that eat live growing algae, if your tank is new though its not uncommon to have an algae bloom come and go- adding lots of live plants will help kill off the algae as they out compete it for nutrients it needs to grow.
yea i kow why i got the algae new tank and not enough ferts, but i have always wanted some panda corys and just wanted to see if they would help, ill just wait a bit before i get them i think
Panda corys won't do a thing to help the algae and will still need their diet substituted with catfish pelets or similar foods and are quite fragile little fish, you'd be better off buying a small growing plec or some large snails or just topping the tank up with more plants to rid the tank of algae- if the tank is new panda corys are realy a no-no, they cannot tolerate the fluctuations and unstable stats that are common in new tanks and tend to die off at the slightest reading of ammonia or nitrites.

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