Corys acting strange


Fish Addict
Aug 13, 2004
Reaction score
Erie, Pennsylvania
I'm new to corys, so sorry if this is a dumb question ...

I have 3 julii corys in my 20 gallon (long) aquarium along with a couple apple snails, 3 otos, and 2 red wag platys.

Normally the corys explore the tank together. Today they're staying all the way to the right side of the tank, swimming up & down along the glass, and from the front of the tank to the back. But I haven't seen them leave the one side of the tank all day. The only "change" in the tank is that my platy had babies sometime last night or this morning (I noticed the babies while gravel-vacuuming tonight). Is this strange behavior?

Also, I noticed that in the evening, I noticed my otos will stay near wherever my corys are in the evening (they kinda hide during the daytime). I thought that was pretty cute -- is it unusual for corys and otos to "hang out" together?
That's about as normal behavior as Cories get. If they're not sleeping somewhere or digging for food in the substrate, they're racing up and down the glass.

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