Corys --- 4ft


Fish Crazy
Sep 24, 2006
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Hey im getting my parents 4ft and just wondering how meny corys can i put in there?
yh the tank is very big so i might get a few more diffrent rams
Of late you seem to be adding a lot of fish very quickly. I would suggest you think about the fish size and the size of a cory, especially if you are having JD's, Oscars etc. I would be concerned that they may eat the small fish or bully.
No there going to be moved to a bigger tank there too agressive for comunity tanks. the 4ft there in now is going to be for the rams and kribs
dwarf cichlids dont mix with cories. the kirbs will beat up the cories as cories know not of terrototies, and rams arnt supposed to be too good either.
Hi cichlid-mad :)

Please don't keep corys with cichlids. There are two things that can go wrong when you put them together.

The first is that the cichlids can do physical damage to the corys. I have a little fellow that I bought from a cichlid tank in an lfs, and he is missing an eye. Fins and tails can be nipped at too.

The second is less obvious. Being confined with aggressive fish can cause stress to the peaceful and defenseless corys. While it might not be noticeable to you, the corys are likely to be nervous and this can cause failure to thrive and weaken their immune systems. In this state they could easily catch bacterial infections and die.

Corys do much better either with peaceful community fish or by themselves. :D
Ive kepy Cory with Kribs, Rams, Firemouth with no problems. A lot of the time its very dependant on the fish itself. My Albino Corys swim in the breeding cave of my Kribs, give it a quick once over then leave without incident lol
Hi DarkEntity :)

Please re-read my second reason. Just because they look fine now, it doesn't mean they will enjoy the long life span they should have.
Inchworm, does this only apply to quite aggressive dwarf cichlids like kribs? or does it also apply with for instance blue rams, because my blue rams swim with my cories no problem, They are still fairly small though, I'll just keep monitoring them.
Hi Kuhni :)

I don't keep cichlids myself, but I've heard a number of stories about rams eating the eyes of the corys, and I have a one eyed cory that I bought out of a cichlid tank at the lfs, but I don't remember what kind they were. Perhaps it's OK so far because yours are young, but when they mature it might be a different story.

Corys are totally defenseless fish that like to swim in schools with the idea that there's "safety in numbers." In their natural environment the group would just swim away when they feel threatened, but they can't do this in a tank. They just have to live with the stress.

Let me give you an example of this in human terms. Compare this to being a small person living with a very large one who has been known to frequently get drunk, lose his temper and become violent with those around him. While he might not have behaved that way at home, just knowing he might will cause you anxiety. Over time, this fear could lead to depression, and poor health in general. While you might thrive in a different environment, if you cannot escape your home life, you will most likely never become the happy and healthy person you should be.

This is the way I think it is with corys and other, more aggressive tankmates. Actual physical damage is only part of the problem, and of course, after that happens it is too late to do anything.
I had some of my cories with my loaches at one time. I could tell they were stressed. So, I moved them to a tank with all cories and there was an instant change.

I agree with Inchworm, Its also obvious to me that cories dont do well with bigger tank mates.
I have had no problem with the two appistogramma species that I have (cockatoos and agassazi.) They are not physically aggressive in the sense that they have not hurt any other fish, and they don't chase anyone but eachother around. They seem to ignore everyone but each other. I have had them in a community tank for over a year. There is a school of peppers in there that spawn regularly.

On the other hand I recently added three queens (botia dario) along with some botia straita. The straita seem to be alright (these were the ones recommended for the tank by CFC or LateralLine.) I plan to move the queens to a Dario dario tank I am setting up, as the queens are very active and boisterous, and move in 3 straita in their place. Although I will check this more before I do it. I do assume that the peppers are not as forward as they might be by themselves, but they appear well and have their spot under the 1.5 foot Amazon sword and spend time trolling the tank. Mama is actually larger than the appistogrammas. :lol:

If I thought that they were in any way distressed I would move them.

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