Corydorus polystictus - Change in Body Colour!


Fish Fanatic
Jul 21, 2004
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I've noticed that Flo the Cory ploystictus appears to have changed colour almost overnight.

She was a kind coppery browny orangey colour, but looking at her this morning she appears to be a lot paler. Otherwise, behaviour appears completely normal.

Is this usual for this breed?

Btw, I say 'she'. I have absolutely no idea what sex it is.

Any knowledge greatly appreciated.

Just to make sure paleness can be a sign of stress, so can you post water stats in ammonia,nitrite,nitrate,and ph.
Okie doke. Test results taken during Corrie this evening:

ph: 7.6
Nitrite: 0 ppm
Ammonia: 0.5 ppm
Nitrate: 40 ppm

The ammonia is a little higher than previous test results. Otherwise, these are fairly normal for my tank.

Think I will do a 10% water change now but do you think these results would be drastic enough to cause the colour change?

Hi tintin :)

The high nitrate level in your tank is something to watch. Is your tap water naturally high in them, or have you been doing less water changes than you should be doing?

Also, if your tank is properly cycled and stocked, there shouldn't be any ammonia reading at all.

It seems you have a problem here and should watch the little cory, as well as your other fish, for signs of bacterial infection. It would be good to do enough water changes and bottom cleanings to bring the nitrates way down too. :D
I'm not sure why the ammonia result was that high. Previous tests usually show 0 ppm.

I'm quite fastidous about cleaning the tank. The gravel gets vacuumed every Saturday, along with a 20% water change. This is my third tank in 11 months (kept out-growing them!) but I've always stuck to that same routine for each tank.

As for my nitrate levels, yes, they've always been that high. I've never had a test below 40 ppm.

I ended up doing a 20% water change this evening. I'll leave it another 48 hours and do another test/water change as required.

Odd that I should suddenly have to do this after such a fixed routine though (??

Thanks for your input. =)


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