I feed mine the usual flakes and pellets but for a treat I alternate between frozen brine shrimp, frozen blood worms and frozen daphnia. The habrosus go crazy for any of the frozen foods buts that's the kind that I happen to have. Once in a while they also get some spirulina but in general cories are not vegetarian, they are omnivores.
What kind of spirulina do you feed yours? Flake, pellet, or frozen? I know their omnivores, but they do go for the little algae pellets I feed my otos, and some fiber is always nice, especially when you eat a lot of little animals with shells. Something to help clear the pathway, I guess. I currently use HBH Super Soft Spirulina, a soft pellet, but was eyeing the frozen last time I took a trip to the pet store.
I want to feed bloodworms, but I'm so allergic to them. At least I was to the freeze-dried ones I used to feed when I first started the hobby like a million years ago.
I doubt the frozen ones will be any better.