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Aug 30, 2004
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i lost 2 cories already :( and the only thing i can think of that might be causing their death is the sudden rise in the temp around here :( is my theory correct ?? temp here is around 35 deg celcius the tank temp bounces between 30-33 :(
Way too warm. A breeder I know keeps his between 19C to 21C.

whoa... I had to get out the converter since I use fahrenheit :p

87-92 degrees?! My god... I'm surprised you don't see steam coming off of that.

I keep my tank at 76-78 (24-25 for you celsius people) right now because I'm cycling and trying to stimulate bacteria growth... usually it's 74-76 though.

You simply have it way too high
Yea, I had to convert 65 - 70F to C. Most of my tanks are 80-82F, angels like it a little warmer. I would kick it a few degrees higher if it weren't for the corys in there to help clean up. One tank has a cheap heater, went up near 90F a while back. Corys in there looked like they were panting.

I have a tank that is at 94F right now, meding angels for parasites. Anything besides angels in there would be toasted by now.

oh man.... cories arent ideal for my tank then :( i have to find a solution for the cories in my tank... they have been doing okay for over 7 months now and then summer came :( dang didn't know the water would get this warm :(

gotta separate them in another tank ! quick any ideas on how to keep my tank temp down, right now im looking into a bottle of iced water in there everyday until the temp goes down around here.... golly are ottos sensitive to heat too ? i have a couple in the tank too
I'm sorry to say I think most fish will struggle in a temp that high, anything above 82F is not good. Ottos are very sensitive and will have problems with that temp.
Personally, I think a bottle of cold or iced water is a really bad idea. Many people cool their water this way, but the temp in the tank will differ a lot in different areas this way. Around the bottle (where a lot of fish will hide out because its cooler) the water will be too cool for them, while at the bottom of the tank the water is too warm. The temperature difference often causes disease and death.

I think your best bet will be, make sure they're no sunlight coming into the tank, try and keep the temperature around the tank as low as possible. Either by having AC on in the room if you've got it, or having a fan pointed at the tank constantly. Also, try to not leave your lights on too long, and perhaps turn them off at the hotest times of the day. The light bulbs tend to heat up the water a lot as well.

I've also heard of people wrapping foil around their tank to keep the temp inside about the same, but wouldnt this just warm it up?

Good luck getting the temp down :) With just cories in a tank, it cant hurt to add slightly cooler (no more than 2C) water about twice a day. At the right temp, this can also cause cories to spawn, so ;) (Best luck I've had with cories ... I've got around 100 of them now :p 3 adults and loads of fry ... is at a temp of 23/24C)
this is going to prove a big challenge :) its really hot here, there is no sun pointing at the tank at any time of the day :( its just getting hot here :) hmmm maybe the fan will do the trick :)
Hi kenneth_kpe :)

I'm sorry, but your corys will probably not make it through the summer with those temperatures. They need much cooler water.

It would be best for them if you could find someone with air conditioning in their home and a heater to regulate the temperature, to care for them over the summer.

If you don't know of anyone, perhaps you might look for a local aquarium society. Fish folks are usually caring people and there might well be a member who will help you out. :D

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