Corydoras With Other Catfish.


New Member
Dec 15, 2008
Reaction score
Silsden, West Yorkshire
I am doing some research on what catfish/bottom feeders I would like to stock in my new 450L tank (months away until its ready, just got it yesterday)

I still haven't decided what I would like I have narrowed it down to a few (so far) :p

Upside down catfish
Plec (small sized ones)

My questions is will Corydoras live ok with a small shoal of upside down catfish or plec's (depending on what I choose)

I haven't seen anything that would suggest there would be a problem, but I thought I would check to be sure.

If anyone is wondering why I wanted to mix them it is because I love upsdie down catfish and used to have some when I was younger, but I would like to have some active day time fish (corys) and shy/night time fish (upside down, plec) as they did tent to hide in the day when I kept them.

Other suggestions are of course welcome.
Hi Neo_ad :)

Bristlenose plecos are small and, provided the bottom is kept clean, will get along well with corys. You might find this thread of interest to you. I've just posted some pictures on it.

I can't help you with the upside down catfish, but they do seem interesting. If the other members can't advise you on this, try posting in the Catfish - Other Catfish section. You might get some answers there.

What (if any) other kinds of fish do you plan to keep with them?
Thanks for the reply Inchworm.

Thanks I will check out the thread.

I am planing to keep community fish with what ever catfish I choose. (however read below)

Something very random happened after I posted this thread my dad purchased a 2nd hand fish tank and the fish were just going to be thrown away!!!!! so he rang me up and asked if I wanted to keep and save them.

Out of these were some tetras, barbs and 2 Plecs! so my decision might of been made :)

My 450L tank is NO way near ready I only got it two days ago, so I split the rescued fish across 2 other fish tanks (one almost cycled, and one fairly cycled)

Now I am preforming daily tests on each tank and by the looks of things 50% water changes daily until the filter catches up, I will do anything to keep the fish alive, this includes x2 50% water changes if needed. Its not ideal but no way was I going to let them die!

All my fish survived the journey to me apart from 1 small tetra (my Dad did his best, it was just unlucky/stress)

Spent about 2 hours slowly bring up the temperature of the fish, managed to get them re housed around 1am /guh I am now at work on a break and I am so tired lol

My fish survived the night so that's a good sign! I finish at 2pm so I am going straight home to test the water (I might do a 50% regardless, since I am over loading the filters until they can catch up)

I spent that much time caring for the fish I haven't even ID'ed my Plecs yet (They have been living with corys in the old tank, so that answers my question I first posted about lol)

At the moment the 2xPlces are on there own in a tank(which is NOT big enough), since I didn't want to over load my filters on my 125L I will at some point re house them into that. (I am going to be setting up an extra external onto the tank just in case also) And then once my new 450L is ready they can all live in lots of water :p

So my entire night was fish caring almost! (only just got back into fish keeping and I was taking it steady, then this bomb dropped)

Nice wall of text! :)
Hi Neo_ad :)

Those fish are very lucky little fellows! :thumbs: If you hadn't taken them for your new and big tank, it would have been sad indeed.

I think that there are a couple of things to watch out for if the plecos turn out to be commons or one of the bigger kinds. First is their size. Plecos are kind of solid fish and when they swim around they might bump into the corys. As long as you have lots of bottom space available, this should be OK.

Second is the pollution of the water. Plecos are big eaters of vegetable matter and as a result they make a lot of waste. Since corys live at the bottom and will be swimming in it, you'll want to make every effort to keep it cleaned up. I've also found that the tanks I have the BNs in need to have their filters rinsed out more often than my other tanks.

Do you know what kind of corys you have?
Hi Thanks for the reply.

I currently have these plecs which I now think "might" be Common Plecs I will get some pics and post them on the Plec forum to be sure.

I have 2 of them about 10cm ish in a 1 foot tank (I know dont shoot me) I am at my dads now sorting a 4 foot tank out to take back to my house. I am also off out tommrow to buy my new external for my 5 foot tank which I am going to use on the 4 foot plec tank until I know what I am doing with the Plecs (I will clone over some media from one of my Tanks) not ideal but I need them out of the small tank.

atm rescued corys I have

Bronze Cory x 2
I am unsure of the other two they look like Corydoras Weitzmani

I will try get some pictures up (not at home atm)

My guess is when the main 450L tank is ready I might try and match up the corys above so they are say 5 of each of them?

I did a check on my tank with the new rescued corys and tetra's today(its possibly slighty over stocked atm) it is only temp however. Took a nitrite reading which was between 0 and 0.25 (I did a 50% water change to be sure) Ammonia was zero. Luckly I think my filter is coping I will contiune to monitor however.
thank you supprisingly :hyper: i have the same dilema for my 110litre tank i was going to put corys with cuckoo cats but iv have nw decided on puting them in with bn plecos x3

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