Fish Fanatic
Anyone know where I can find some? I'm trying to make a 55 gallon biotope aquarium bases on the Lake Valencia basin in Venezuela and would like to add about 8 of these guys to the stock. Only problem is I can't seem to find them anywhere
Does anyone know of an online fish seller that carries rarer coeydoras? I live in western WA so they would need to be able to ship here. If not could anyone suggest another Cory species from this area? The other stock I plan on keeping are diamond tetras, festivums, apistos, and plecs.
Does anyone know of an online fish seller that carries rarer coeydoras? I live in western WA so they would need to be able to ship here. If not could anyone suggest another Cory species from this area? The other stock I plan on keeping are diamond tetras, festivums, apistos, and plecs.